Quantum Healing Session
Health according to your needs
A quantum healing session is a combination of healing modalities that are rendered according to each person's needs.
Dr. Shaw uses a holistic approach in treating each individual. She has an extensive knowledge of various healing modalities which she integrates according to patient's priority.
A quantum session will always consist of a BodyTalk healing and may be combined with any one or all of the following modalities:
Special Monthly Sessions
Each Month I offer special sessions such as:
Love Matrix
New Moon
Guided Angel Group(live on Zoom)
Archangel Raphael
Full Moon
Abundance Matrix
Regular Sessions offered daily
Sign up to my newsletter to be informed of upcoming sessions and events!
Exciting News!
Dr. Cecilia Shaw will be offering acupuncture sessions soon with a limited schedule. These sessions will be available in dedicated blocks of time throughout the year. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements with specific dates and locations, so you can secure your spot for these exclusive sessions.
Please note: These sessions will consist of Acupuncture only. All Quantum Healing/BodyTalk sessions will remain remote.
If you’d like to be added to the upcoming acupuncture schedule, please email or text: ceciliavshaw@aol.com (305) 281-1397
Book a Session
(305) 281-1397